Genevieve Burke’s Insights on -Two-Thirds of UK Consumers Desert Online Shopping Purchases, Poor Payment Processes Blamed

We’ve all been there – on your favorite e-Commerce retail website, your shopping cart loaded up with items, shipping address confirmed, ready to check out when – wait, what website am I being sent to for payment? It comes as no surprise then that based on a recent study by PPRO Group 67% of UK customers abandon an online transaction because of the payment process.

Security and freedom of choice for payments should be the new standard, but surprisingly most merchants either redirect their customers to a 3rd party webpage for payment processing, or do not offer the most popular payment methods through their ecommerce channels which can lead customers to a competitors’ channel instead. FreedomPay’s commerce platform provides support for a variety of emerging payment methods, and a Hosted Payment Page that mirrors the merchant’s own branding and web design wrapped up in the highest security standard of validated PCI P2PE. Reduce your shopping card abandonment and enhance customer experience by implementing FreedomPay!

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