
PHOTOS: Inside FreedomPay’s New FMC Tower Headquarters

Oct 03, 2017

It’s official: Financial technology company FreedomPay is all settled into its new FMC Tower headquarters and the relocation tells two important stories for the company and for Philadelphia.

For one, FreedomPay uprooted its Radnor-based office and moved 150 employees to the new University City 25,000 square foot space. The company made the decision to go where its employers are as more and more workers were commuting from Philadelphia to the suburban town. Founder and CEO Thomas Durovsik told Philadelphia magazine that the company should’ve relocated sooner.

At the company’s ribbon-cutting ceremony, Mayor Jim Kenney told attendees that FreedomPay is one example of local business development that’s supported by the state’s Keystone Opportunity Zone. And, “There are many more factors than tax incentives that go into a company’s decision to open up in any city and here in Philadelphia,” Kenney said. “Public safety, quality of life, and affordability are part of the equation. Philly has a lot to offer in each.”

Plus, Kenney added that FreedomPay will have no problem fitting into the city. That’s because the company recently launched the Philadelphia Artist Series, an initiative to connect Philly’s art and tech communities.

With the help of local art consultants, FreedomPay commissioned area artists — Nate Harris, Meredith Sellers, and the True Hand Society — to create pieces already being displayed at the new headquarters.

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FreedomPay FMC Tower at Cira Centre 2929 Walnut Street, 14th Floor Philadelphia PA 19104 USA
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