
Springer-Miller and FreedomPay Delivering World-Class Commerce Solutions and Transforming Customer Experience

Apr 06, 2017

Springer-Miller Offering Hotel Customers PCI-Validated Payment Security and Value-Added Services Through SMS|Host PMS and FreedomPay Commerce Platform Integration

SMS-Logo-2016STOWE, VT — APRIL 6, 2017 — Springer-Miller Systems (SMS), the leading provider of guest-centric hospitality management systems, today announces the integration of its SMS|Host Hospitality Management System with the FreedomPay Commerce Platform.

The SMS|Host integration enables Springer-Miller to offer customers end-to-end protection for credit card payments made through FreedomPay’s cloud-based global payments platform supported by Microsoft Azure™. The FreedomPay Commerce Platform is the first PCI-validated point-to-point encryption (P2PE) solution with EMV, NFC, Dynamic Currency Conversion and real-time data capabilities that delivers on a global scale.

FreedomPay’s platform simplifies payment security by providing complete card data security for all transacations by ensuring that sensitive cardholder data is encrypted at the point of interaction and replaced with surrogate values in the customers’ POS and network environments. FreedomPay’s PCI-valdated P2PE solution, enables Springer-Miller customers to realize cost savings by reducing annual PCI DSS audit and compliance scope while also minimizing the impact of a data breach.

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